Transaction and payments
On the Columis platform, you can check your balance at any time and buy and exchange cryptocurrencies. You can see an overview of transactions when you click on Dashboard. Each transaction is described in detail and contains currency, amount, transaction type, and date of transaction. If you have a Columis card activated, you can view transaction details in the Card Transaction section. If you do not have a card, you can order it on this page.
Converting Crypto
On the Columis platform, you can exchange cryptocurrencies easily. In the Exchange section, select Buy/Sell and indicate which cryptocurrency you are buying/ selling. Enter the desired amount or select one of the offered amounts. Choose one of the cryptocurrencies you want to buy/sell (ETH, BTC, BCH, LTC, XRP, ETC, USDT, etc.) and continue with the process. Above each amount, it also shows how many cryptocurrencies you get in exchange. Click Exchange. The section will show how many cryptocurrencies you are exchanging and how many will be processed in another currency. To processed click Submit order.
On the Columis platform, you can exchange cryptocurrencies easily. In the Exchange section, select Buy/Sell and indicate which cryptocurrency you are buying/ selling. Enter the desired amount or select one of the offered amounts. Choose one of the cryptocurrencies you want to buy/sell (ETH, BTC, BCH, LTC, XRP, ETC, USDT, etc.) and continue with the process. Above each amount, it also shows how many cryptocurrencies you get in exchange. Click Exchange. The section will show how many cryptocurrencies you are exchanging and how many will be processed in another currency. To processed click Submit order.
Withdrawal of funds
If you want to withdraw your cryptocurrencies to your bank account, you can do so by reviewing the balance in your Columis digital wallet and selecting the currency withdrawal option. A window will open and the currency to be withdrawn should be selected.
1. Click Withdraw
2. Select a currency
3. Select a bank account
4. Enter the amount to withdraw
5. Click REQUEST
If you want to avoid expensive banking transactions and waiting, order a Columis Card today with which you can directly spend cryptocurrencies from your digital account. You can also withdraw them at any ATM that supports Visa/MasterCard.