Experience the power of the Crypto world
With Columis, the biggest cryptocurrencies become a part of your everyday life.
Easily exchange crypto
Exchange multiple currencies:
Columis offers users the easy exchange of the world's largest cryptocurrencies.
We utilize the most advanced technology to keep your digital assets secure.
Buying and selling Cryptocurrencies happens in real-time.
The platform is developed to meet the needs of new and experienced users.
Buying cryptocurrencies has never been easier:
Columis offers users to exchange Cryptocurrencies easily and efficiently.
We support the world's largest Cryptocurrencies, which are now at your fingertips.
No hidden costs with a transparent and reasonable fee.
Columis application allows you to view all transactions and notifications.
Buy, sell and exchange Crypto today:
Buy, sell and exchange cryptocurrencies without risk and loss.
You can follow popular digital currencies on the Columis platform.
You can convert currencies into fiat at any time and withdraw the money in EUR.
Change your cryptocurrencies anytime and anywhere in the world.

Columis Card provides financial freedom
Columis Card is accepted all over the world.
Pay by card online and in store quickly and securely.
Withdraw funds through ATMs that support Visa/MasterCard
We support contactless pay or with a PIN code.
Columis Card is easy to use just like your bank card.
All your digital assets are on one card and you can spend them.
Spend Crypto currencies directly from the card and track transactions on the application.
Your transactions are secure at all times.
With one card you can buy or withdraw digital assets.
It has never been easier - The biggest Crypto currencies are exchanged directly into funds and spent!
Finally, one card is enough for all transactions.
Be a part of the Crypto world and feel the power of the biggest Crypto currencies.
Simple. Secure. Protected.

PCI DSS Level 1-certified
We process card data to the highest standards. PCI DSS Level 1-certified is the highest level of compliance. We process over 6 million transactions annually.
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Our licenses:
Crypto Currency Wallet Operator - Lithuania, EU
Crypto Currency Exchange Operator - Lithuania, EU
Based on above licenses we are providing exchange services, digital storage and transfer services.
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The ICO and IEO licenses are regulated by the 2001 law and allow Columis to be registered as a financial institution that has the legal rights to exchange Cryptocurrencies into fiat. We are committed to every customer, and our business is based on trust. Data security and privacy are our main principles.
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Offline storage provides an important security measure against theft or loss. Data is split constantly, AES-256 encrypted, and copied to FIPS-140 USB drives and paper backups.
Learn moreCrypto is powerful and valuable
Become a user of the Columis platform today and sail into financial freedom